
Create reproducible and portable development environments that can be easily shared in your team.

Vagrant with libvirt support installation

To use Vagrant with libvirt, you need to install the vagrant-libvirt package:

$ sudo dnf install vagrant-libvirt

There is also @vagrant package collection created with libvirt provider in mind. With the following command you can install all necessary Vagrant packages as well:

$ sudo dnf install @vagrant

Afterwards make sure that libvirt daemon is running and that you have kvm module loaded in the kernel:

$ sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
$ lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_intel             167936  3
kvm                   499712  1 kvm_intel

If you do not have KVM capabilities, you will need to use qemu driver within your Vagrantfile. Note the qemu driver may severely impact performance of your Vagrant virtual machine.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt|
    libvirt.driver = "qemu"

Read more on the vagrant-libvirt configuration in the upstream documentation.

Manage guest networks via Vagrant

In Fedora qemu://session is used by default. This allows causes vagrant to run in userspace, not requiring password and being much safer. Downside is that if some Vagrant functionality requires root permissions, it might not be available (some cases are resolved via “qemu bridge”).

To revert for your box to qemu://system, you can put something like the following into your Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt|
    # Use QEMU system instead of session connection
    libvirt.qemu_use_session = false

Using libvirt from Vagrant without password prompts

Using libvirt provider requires you to type your administrator password every time you create, start, halt or destroy your domains. Fortunately you can avoid this by adding yourself to the libvirt group:

$ sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} libvirt
$ newgrp libvirt

Authors: Adam Samalik, Hofer-Julian, Jarek Prokop, Justin W. Flory, Pavel Valena